说“ thank you ”Thank you for your letter of yesterday.Thank you for your prompt reply.Thank you for helping us in this respect.Thank you for your information说“ please ”Please send us a c. ....
.深盼贵公司及早回复(1) We hope to receive your favour at early date.(2) We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay.(3) We await a good news with patience.(4) We hope to receive a . ....
Expressions on assortment & selling minimum(1)买方应当从卖方的色卡中选取颜色,并将细节于8月10日前寄达卖方。The buyers should select colours from the sellerscolour chart and make the details reac. ....
Design modification and design deviation(1)由于该花型的循环大于印花滚筒圆周,所以必须按比例缩小花型循环的尺寸。Owing to the design repeat bigger than the circumference of the printing roller, it . ....